Sunday School

sunday school

We are hard at work planning the 2024 fall Sunday school curriculum. Check back in a few days for registration and additional information.

Here is last year’s Sunday School Events Calendar 2019 – 2020

Classes are held from 9:30am to 10:15 am from September through June

We have classes for all ages, adults and kids
We will have Sunday School every week, except for the dates noted below

*Note: Childcare for children under the age of 7 years is available during the worship service. Children over the age of 7 stay in the sanctuary to participate in the worship service.

September 2019

  • Homecoming Sunday: Pancake Breakfast,Registration, Bible Jeopardy for all ages
  • Blessing of the children’s backpacks during the worship service
  • Regular Classes Begin
backback blessing

October 2019

  • There will be a presentation to the congregation about filling shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child
  • No Sunday School, Columbus Day Weekend
  • Holiday Party: Making Thanksgiving cards, playing games and if time allows, making a family advent calendar.
  • Christmas Pageant Overview
columbus day

November 2019

  • Christmas Pageant Rehearsal #1
  • Christmas Pageant Rehearsal #2
  • Christmas Pageant Rehearsal #3
Dec. 1
  • Thanksgiving weekend – No Sunday School
happy thanksgiving

December 2019

  • Christmas Pageant DRESS rehearsal in the sanctuary-time to be decided!
  • TBD  Christmas Pageant during the regular church service
  • TBD  Snow date for pageant
  • TBD Christmas Caroling for our Church Family’s Homebound Members

January 2020

  • No Sunday School, Martin Luther King Day Weekend
mlk weekend

February 2020

  • Valentine Party in the pink room: making Valentines and a blanket for Project Linus
  • Prepare for the Heifer International Collection presentation to the congregation
  • Thanksgiving weekend – No Sunday School
  • No Sunday School, Presidents’ Day weekend

March 2020

march lion and lamb

April 2020

  • Lenten Fair
    • No Sunday School, Easter Sunday
  • Easter Egg hunt for kids ages 10 and under following the worship service
    • No Sunday School, Spring Break
easter egg

May 2020

  • Mothers’ Day Tea/Coffee Hour. Sunday School will meet in the Fellowship Hall and kitchen to prepare for the Tea
  • Last Day of Sunday School
tea time for mom

June 2020

  • Sunday School teacher Celebration and Recognition of Graduates. There will be an Ice Cream Social during coffee hour
ice cream social
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