Altar Guild
‘Ascribe to the Lord the glory of his name; worship the Lord in holy splendor.’ Psalm 29.2
The United Methodist Church of Danbury’s ALTAR GUILD works toward providing the best possible environment for our congregation’s worship, in service to the church and our Lord.
In carrying out that mission, the ALTAR GUILD on a regular basis:
- Decorates the altar each week,
- Maintains sanctuary banners,
- Creates memorial and special flower arrangements,
- Visits and delivers flowers to our homebound and sick,
- Gives careful attention to traditional calendar days and the colors of the seasons.

The ALTAR GUILD works with the Pastor in preparing for Holy Communion, Holy Baptism, Weddings, Funerals and Memorial Services.
Throughout the year, the ALTAR GUILD creates seasonal themes including the solemnness of the altar during Lent, stripping the altar on Maundy (Holy) Thursday, a glorious presentation of Easter flowers to commemorate the resurrection of our Lord, a bountiful harvest at Thanksgiving, and hanging of the greens in preparation for the birth of Jesus and the traditional Christmas poinsettias.
Currently, our ALTAR GUILD has 50 members with a schedule running from the beginning of April through March of the following year, A chairman and five assistants serve as “Heads of the Week” – in charge the week that they serve. Ten ALTAR GUILD standing committees are responsible for different aspects of the Service and Worship life.
If you would like to participate, please send us an e-mail from our contact us page.